
Jim Ropelewski, JD, DBIA

Principal, ROPE Strategies, LLC

Jim is a former Senior Executive Service member with 30+ years of experience leading federal organizations in law, procurement, budget, audit resolution, human capital, design and construction, facilities management, and IT. He advises the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) on curriculum and resource development and teaches several DBIA courses. As Principal of ROPE Strategies, LLC, he consults on design-build, risk management, strategic planning, and alternative dispute resolution. He is also an Adjunct Professor at American University.

Jim spent 16+ years with the U.S. Department of Justice in legal and senior management roles, including Deputy General Counsel and Chief of Construction Contracting, where he established DOJ’s design-build program. He later held leadership roles at the U.S. Department of Education and retired as Assistant Inspector General at OPM. 

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